Repeat Violence Injunctions and Restraining Orders

You deserve to live free of fear!

A person who does not have a “domestic relationship” necessary for a Domestic Violence Injunction, may be eligible to obtain an injunction for protection against repeat violence.

Repeat violence mostly involves employer-employee, co-worker, schoolmate, and roommate relationships along with neighborhood disputes.

Any person who is the victim of repeat violence has standing to file for an injunction against repeat violence

In repeat violence cases, you must plead and prove:

  1. You have been the victim of two incidents of violence, or stalking;
  2. One of the incidents of violence or stalking occurred within the past six months;
  3. And it was directed against you or your immediate family.

The standard for obtaining an injunction is much different than in domestic violence injunction cases. In domestic violence cases, no acts of violence need have occurred prior to the filing if you have a reasonable fear that domestic violence is imminent.

In repeat violence cases, not only must the violence have already occurred, there must be two acts of violence or stalking in order for an injunction to be warranted. No matter how egregious the violence may be, if it is simply one act the petition will be denied.

If a Repeat Violence Injunction is issued, the court may prohibit the respondent from committing acts of violence against you, ordering the respondent to counseling, and order other relief necessary to protect you.

Finally, firearms may only be required to be surrendered if the court finds it necessary to protect you.

Contact Orlando Injunction Attorney

Contact Orlando Injunction and Restraining Order Attorney Richard Hornsby if you need to obtain immediate protection from someone you are in fear of.

The initial consultation is free and I will respond promptly to assist you because you deserve to live free of fear!